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AutoTask 2000 Task Scheduler - Screenshots


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AutoTask 2000 Task Scheduler - Screen Shots   

Main Administrator Window


Main Window

Main window of AutoTask is where you edit and monitor task from. Features of the main window include:

Sort able Task List - Sort the task list by description, trigger type, next scheduled or task status. 

Main window also shows you the current status of all task (i.e. running, enabled, disabled). 

Also indicates the current status of the scheduling engine (i.e. running, stopped or suspended). 


Global Scheduler Properties


Scheduler Properties

Command edit window is where you define "What you want to do". A series of commands that are ran sequential from top to bottom. Much like a macro or script. 

You can add, edit, delete commands. Move commands up or down to set the order in which the commands are executed. 

You can test each command separately or test the whole script from this window.


Command Window

Command List

Command edit window is where you define "What you want to do". A series of commands that are ran sequential from top to bottom. Much like a macro or script. 

You can add, edit, delete commands. Move commands up or down to set the order in which the commands are executed. 

You can test each command separately or test the whole script from this window.


Scheduled Trigger Window

Scheduled Trigger

The scheduled trigger engine is one of the most versatile around. 

Frequencies range from every minute to once a year. 

Advance options allow for setting start and stop times on intervals (i.e. run every 5 minutes each day between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm).

Options include for scheduling task every day, just workday and include or not include holidays. 

Can select only certain days (i.e. only on Mon, Wed and Fri.)


Conditional Trigger Windows 

Condition Triggers

AutoTask allows for running a task based on specific conditions rather than by scheduled times. 

For example you can run a task if a specific file exist or does not exist. Run if a  specific process or application is running is running or not.

This feature allows for making better use of your computing time.


Task Options Window


Task Options

There are several options that can be used to effect how a task is ran. 

Log the task start and finish to a log file. 

Several options for what happens before running the task and after the task has ran. 

For example you could disable a task after it has ran if you want to make sure that the task does not execute more than once. Or by using another task to re-enable it based on something else happening.   


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